Fallout New Vegas modder transforms every NPC into Easy Pete

Fallout New Vegas modder transforms every NPC into Easy Pete

Fallout New Vegas modder transforms every NPC into Easy Pete

Fallout New Vegas modder transforms every NPC into Easy Pete.

It’s not always easy living in the Mojave, regardless of whether you took the Wild Wasteland Perk before leaving Goodsprings.

This is especially true if your mods are Fallout. New Vegas’s modding community has created some amazing surrealist nightmares lately, so run away from ‘The Crash Man’. Go to war with a mini Caesar’s Legion. Then fight an incredibly powerful boss version of YouTuber Jake Paul.

One of these crazy men and women have outdone themselves this time, taking over a favourite meme character and making them rule the wasteland threateningly.

This mod allows for this horrifying transformation and is called up (NVSE’. It is the work TrueCourierSix. His other work includes overhauling the perk system and bringing Tetris on the Pip-Boy.


They’ve turned every NPC into Goodsprings’ explosives expert and replaced all their dialogue with him saying “yup”.

Doc Mitchell will be Easy Pete as soon as your wake up at the beginning of the game. If you go to the Strip and confront Benny regarding your attempted murder, he will be Easy Pete. If you make it to the end and meet the terrifying Legate Lanius at the end, he will be Easy Pete.

The horror is never ending, as seen in the video below. So prepare to be swept into a fever dream where older men say yes but refuse to elaborate.

You might wonder what could have prompted someone to create such a unique mod. This is because there’s precedent for such tomfoolery within the New Vegas modding scene. There’s Demorome’s Get Fucked, which replaces all NPCs with raider Driver Nephi, and RoyBatterian’s GaryGary, which does the same with Flash 3’s infamous Clones.

Fallout New Vegas modder transforms every NPC into Easy Pete
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