The complete guide to Pokemon GO Fest 2020

The complete guide to Pokemon GO Fest 2020

The complete guide to Pokemon GO Fest 2020

The complete guide to Pokemon GO Fest 2020

The 2022 Pokemon GO Fest returns, and all details about the event – regardless of ticket holder – have been revealed. This includes the debut of Gratitude Pokemon Shaymin, and costumes for Pikachu, and Unown variants.

The Pokemon GO Summer GO Fest event is in June. Trainers from all over the world can participate, regardless of whether they have purchased tickets. We’ll be taking a look at the daily events, the exclusive bonus offers for ticket holders, and the finale of Pokemon GO Fest! The most important thing to remember is that this year’s GO Fest will focus on Shaymin, the Mythical Gratitude Pokemon. It will also make its Pokemon GO debut for ticketholders. Axew and Tropius, previously rare Pokemon, will all be on display throughout the weekend. A bunch of other Pokemon will also be making their Pokemon GO debuts!

Pokemon GO Fest Day 1 — June 4, 2022

All Trainers

The event will be divided into segments of an hour each, with each segment representing a habitat theme. Each Trainer will receive a different Pokemon and the four habitats will be identified by themed confetti. Each player can also claim an event-themed avatar item from the in-game store.

Wild Event Pokemon are now available

Every themed hour will be repeated twice over the course of the eight-hour period. Don’t worry if you miss the first! You will have another chance to participate later.

Event-themed Special Research Story

The ticket holders will be able to access an exclusive Special Research Story which will lead to an encounter with the Mythical Pokemon Sharmin. Additional rewards include an exclusive avatar item and a special avatar position for those who complete these research tasks.

You will need to decide which path you want to take before you can start your Special Research Tasks. This choice is permanent so make wise choices!

For your challenges, you will have to choose between Standard, Relaxed or Master difficulty. This will affect the challenge you get, but it will not change the rewards. The only thing that will change is the sticker you receive upon completion.

You will also have to choose whether you want to catch, explore, or battle. This will determine what type of challenges are offered to you.

Incense attracted to Event Pokemon

Unown B, along with other Unown variants, will make its global debut on Pokemon GO. Shiny Pokemon will be more likely to be encountered by ticket holders who have incense activated.

You can earn up to four new Elite Collector Medals by completing four different Collection Challenges on Saturday. Each challenge is themed around different habitat hours.

The Global Challenge Arena

On Saturday, ticket holders from all over the globe will come together to receive additional bonuses for completing certain challenges. These challenges have yet to be revealed, but you can check your Today feed during Saturday’s event for the current challenge as well as global progress and your friends’ progress.

Pokemon GO Fest Day 2 — June 5, 2022

All Trainers

All Pokemon seen during the habitat hours on Saturday will be available in the wild on Sunday. This means you can have a chance to meet any Pokemon you missed on Saturday! In Five-Star Raids, a Legendary Pokemon surprise will make an appearance.


The Global Challenge Arena

All Trainers can participate in the Global Challenge on Sunday. You can check the Today feed to see your progress, that of your friends, and that of the entire world!

Only for ticket holders

You’ll have another chance to catch the Unown B!

Ticket-holders will also notice a greater frequency of Team GO Rocket Balloons and will be able to earn double Mysterious Complements for defeating Grunts… This means that it will only take three battles in order to create a Rocket Radar.

All weekend bonuses

Event Pokemon appear in One-Star Raids

For all Trainers, Costumed Pikachu will be appearing at One-Star Raids on Saturday and Sunday. They will be wearing flowers inspired by Shaymin. Axew will also be making its debut at the event. So get raiding to find your chance to add a shiny Haxorus or strong Haxorus!


It’s exciting to see lots of Pokemon make their debut at Pokemon GO Fest 2022. This event is open to ticket-holders as well as non-ticket-holders.


Take snapshots all weekend! Trainers’ photos will be featured in Today View throughout the weekend. Trainers can also expect surprise Pokemon to appear within their snapshots. Non-ticket-holders will only be able to get one surprise encounter per day, while ticket-holders may get five.

Only for ticket holders

Tickets holders will also be able to enjoy the following benefits on both days:

  • You can earn up to nine standard Raid Passes every day by spinning your Photo-Discs
  • For special event-themed stickers, spin Pokestops or open Gifts

When will Pokemon GO Fest be held?

Pokemon GO Fest will live stream between 10 am and 6 pm local on Saturday, June 4th and Sunday, June 5th, 2022. However, the final event will not take place until August 27, 2022.

Pokemon GO Fest: Finale August 27, 2022

The Pokemon GO Fest Finale will take place in August after all in-person GO Fest events in Germany (July 1-3), Seattle, US (July 22 -24 24) and Sapporo (August 5-7) have ended. Additional details will be announced closer to the event. The finale will feature a Special Research Story, additional event-exclusive Pokemon encounters, and many other features. This event is ticketed and trainers can access it for free with a GO Fest or $10.99 regional ticket.

Tickets for GO Fest Finale Tickets for GO Fest Finale aren’t yet available. We’ll let you be the first to know when they become available!

How to purchase a Pokemon GO Fest tickets

You can purchase tickets from the Pokemon GO online shop to receive all the rewards and entry to the August Finale. Tickets are available in the in-game store for US$14.99/PS13.99, or your local equivalent.

If you are still unsure, Niantic has shared a handy table at which highlights the differences between ticket-holder and non-ticket-holder experiences.

We are so excited for Pokemon GO Fest. It feels like the most important and exciting Pokemon GO event to date, with the amazing selection of shinies and debuts. Shiny Axew is the highlight of our day, aside from Shaymin. Fingers crossed for the shundo (4*) Haxorus.

The complete guide to Pokemon GO Fest 2020
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