

Midnight Ghost Hunt transforms prop hunting into a creepy setting. This game is a 4v4 game of hide-and-seek, adding a new twist to the classic prop hunt game. Prop hunt games are versatile and can be used for combat, stealth or hijinks.

Midnight Ghost Hunt, a horror version of prop hunt , that I love, was a fun preview. This game is full of spooky hijinks. Strong level design and the addition of mechanics make this a great twist on the classic game. This game is great for playing with friends and 4vs4. It’s almost too bad it didn’t make it into the pandemic. There are many prop hunting games available, but Midnight Prop Hunt is my favorite due to its twists on the original formula.

Although it is still in early access, Vaulted Sky Game’s developers are excited about this release. They have been open to feedback and responsive to criticisms. We’re keeping our fingers crossed for more maps, as this is the only problem.


This is a basic setup for a fun game of prop hunting. It’s a multiplayer game so there is no story mode. However, it serves as a preview for Midnight Ghost Hunt. Ghost hunters are professionals who can help you clear out a haunted world. Ghosts can be found in many places and hunters are tasked with removing them. To eliminate the ghosts, the hunters will need to search mansions, theatres, and asylums using a variety of ghost-themed weaponry. The hunters win if they can exterminate them before midnight. If not, the ghosts return with more power to hunt the hunters.

It’s a great choice, as it doesn’t make sense for the game’s story. It would be great if they included some background information for ghosts and hunters. I can’t help but love the backstories of ghosts. It wouldn’t hurt to add a little world-building, but it is not necessary.


Anyone who has played prop hunt, or any other manifestations of it will know the gameplay. Midnight Ghost Hunt adds a new twist to the game, which is great for those who don’t want it to get boring. There are two teams with different abilities and tools.


The hunters are the first team to participate in Midnight Ghost Hunt. You have to find the ghosts hidden in the levels. It can be intimidating for new players to have so many options for your loadout. Midnight Ghost Hunt does an excellent job explaining how the game works. Also, the game allows you to level up quickly so that you can find a new weapon every time you finish a particular one.

There are three types of tools that can help you defeat the ghosts: gadgets, weapons and perks. There are many types of guns, from melee weapons, short-range shotguns and SMGs to mini guns and snipers. Many of these guns are charmingly ghost-themed, like the shotgun that shoots salt. These are your major damage dealers. You will move slower if you have more damage. There are many uses for gadgets. One gadget can detect ghosts. For example, the radar will tell you if a ghost is near, while the pathfinder will show you the footsteps and routes that ghosts have taken. You will also find healing items, traps and explosives. These are all pretty obvious. The vacuum prevents ghosts reviving one another.


You will be attacked if you fail to destroy all ghosts by midnight (5 minutes after the game begins). You must be ready to fight for you life if this happens. This all works well together. As with most prop hunt players I prefer to play as the hider but the hunters are well-prepared. It’s very easy to quickly find locations and it’s fun to coordinate with the team. It can get very chaotic so you will need to be alert.


Ghost hunting is always a great way to have fun. You can have most of the items on a map, no matter how small or large. Your ectoplasm builds up faster if you are not moving. This makes you more visible to hunters using gadgets such as the radar.

Ghosts can also manipulate, attack, and mislead hunters with a variety of abilities. A miasma can be released to cause damage, deprive an area, make objects float, attack hunters, and, my personal favorite, transform into a doppelganger. It’s so much fun to casually walk past a hunter. Passive upgrades include slowed ectoplasm accumulation and the ability to see hunters through walls.

You aren’t completely helpless, unlike most prop hunting games. While hiding is the best option, aggressive play can also be an option. Certain props like suits of armour or cannons are capable of launching their own attacks. To inflict damage on hunters, you can also throw objects at them. Mixing things up is great and the tools make escapes even more enjoyable.

You can still go on the offensive before the witching hour, but you will be much more powerful if you wait. You’ll do more damage and launch globes and fridges at the hunters. If the hunters are able to escape within 5 minutes of midnight, they will be saved.

It was a great experience to play as ghosts. It’s a heart-warming feeling to be in plain sight while the hunters are looking for you.


You can add additional features to the prop hunt template throughout your afterlife. If the opposition has not collected their souls or remains, both ghosts and hunters may be revived. Ghosts can also be used to manipulate hunters when they die (can ghosts really die?). You can chill them to slow them down, create false equipment readings, or push them off ledges. These features are great because one of the worst parts of prop hunt games is the waiting time when you die early. Midnight Ghost Hunt’s mechanics keep you interested, and you can still help your teammates even if you are caught.


The game’s visual style was very appealing to me. The gun designs are a beautiful mix of high tech, DIY. The flamethrower uses a blender as a fuel canister. The spectral cannon uses an engine from a lawnmower. While the submachine gun uses a tricked-out nail gun. It is a wonderful choice of style and reminds me of a low-budget Ghost Busters kit. They are well-constructed and theme around spooky locations like a theatre, an asylum, or a pirate cove. Each map has its own unique props, which gives it a sense identity. It’s a funny way to make a killing.

It has great audio. Ghosts sound strange and haunting. The gun’s sound effects are great and fit the various weapon types. You can also find some fantastic tunes on the boat’s loading screen for hunters, which is a great feature to make waiting times less boring. It’s an excellent game, with plenty of style and pizazz for its genre.

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