How Destiny 2's Arc 3.0 was Inspired by Crank 2

How Destiny 2’s Arc 3.0 was Inspired by Crank 2

How Destiny 2's Arc 3.0 was Inspired by Crank 2

How Destiny 2’s Arc 3.0 was Inspired by Crank 2

Crank 2 High Voltage was the sequel to one of Jason Statham’s most absurd action films. I have never seen it. His character had to keep his adrenaline high by using any means necessary to reduce the poison’s effects on his body. To keep his heart beating, he had the nerve to continue electrocuting himself for the second time in the Crankcinematic universe. While I may not have been able to see it, Bungie’s designers have. They cite it as an inspiration for the Arc 3.0 rework. A post today introduces the changes.

Arc 3.0 is all about mobility. Hold the W key down to move forward and keep your speed up. You can also run critical buffs to aid you in taking out enemies like a supercharged action star. “Amplified” is the main mechanic that Bungie introduced. It increases speed and agility and allows for faster weapon handling and longer slides.

Amplified is a bit different than the previous 3.0 subclass mechanics. It’s available to all Guardians without needing any Aspects or Fragments, and it works differently from the other 3.0 subclass mechanics. After defeating any Arc class with Arc damage, including weapons, all Arc classes receive the amplified buff. However, Aspects or Fragments may provide additional ways to obtain the buff or other advantages.


Amplified can also be used to gain Speed Booster, a second buff. Bungie explained that this is similar to Samus’s ability in Metroid games, which allows her to shift at superfast speeds after running for a few seconds. Destiny2 enables the Guardian to sprint for a few seconds while amplified increases her speed. It also provides extended slide ability and a damage resistance buff in combat. Amplified will not expire, but the speed boost will continue as long as the Guardian sprints.

Arc 3.0’s purpose seems to be to get to engagements as fast as possible. Jason Statham is an excellent example of how to get amplified and then move on to the next fight. Rinse and repeat. This sounds great for PvE. However, I am unsure how it will play out in PvP, where mobility can make a big difference. Are Arc 3.0 and the Crucible going to be dominant? We’ll have to wait to see it next week. However, for now, I am pretty confident there will not be a mechanic in destiny 2 in which you can have sex on Amy Smart at a horse track to keep your amplified biceps going.

How Destiny 2’s Arc 3.0 was Inspired by Crank 2
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