Star of ‘Batgirl,’ Says She’s Proud Of Her Team’s Work After Film Cancellation Batgirl was abruptly canceled, shocking everyone. The HBO Max...
EA is Rumored to be developing Iron Man Game. Marvel is making a huge impact in the gaming industry and its cinematic...
CONAN EXILES UPDATE 4.0 USHERS IN THE AGE OF SORCERY LATER THIS YEAR Funcom, publisher and developer, today announced that Conan Exiles...
UNREAL ENGINE5 GAMES LIST – UPCOMING UE5 TILES Unreal Engine 5 was first released in Early Access in 2020 and had been...
FARTHEST FRONTIER BLUENDS SERENE CITY BUILDER WITH SURVIVAL ElementS In the brief time, I played Farthest Frontier, and I only had three...
Mysteries under Lake Ophelia is a creepy Lo-Fi Fishing Game One of my favourite games in 2020 was Fatum Betula. It’s a disturbing,...
According to NICKMERCS, Swagg, and Swagg, The Kilo is The Warzone Meta The Kilo141 assault rifle is a weapon that has been...
Peter Moore, former Xbox boss, claims console wars weren’t encouraged to divide gamers. You don’t need to scroll far to see people...
Dr. Disrespect’s Midnight Society gives players a first look at Deadrop Dr. Disrespect is a mustachioed streamer. Midnight Society has granted players...
Apex Legends Players Are Horrified to Discover Horizon’s Eyeballs Have Faces The players of Apex Legends discovered many disturbing things during their...