Valorant Patch 4.10 brings a second round of ‘Gameplay Consistency’ Changes.
Riot Games released a patch to fix network connectivity problems in Valorant. Although the update does not contain any new content, it has important changes to address network jitter. Riot Games will continue to fix the problems faced by players, and another update can be expected in the future.
Improvements in Latency and Buffering
Online games such as VALORANT require you to send your inputs to the Server. The Server will execute them if the view of the game is correct. Your Agent must be able to play the information from your Client every time the Server updates the game’s simulation (128 times per second). The Server can not delay your inputs while they travel over the internet and will simulate a move for the Agent. Riot Games has improved buffering, resulting in a noticeable improvement in players who experience network inconsistencies.
RTT Jitter graph added to Valorant
A Network RTT Jitter graph now appears in the game. It shows how Network RTT changes packet to packet. Additional buffering is required for high network jitter and ping spikes. Riot Games created this graph to potentially diagnose adverse network conditions that don’t appear in the regular Network RTT graph.
Combat Reports: Bug fixes
Riot Games fixed a bug in which agent-specific keybinds wouldn’t work correctly even though they were applied to the settings menu. Although the fix was released in 4.09, Riot Games wanted to ensure that users in the live game didn’t experience any issues. Riot Games also addressed a bug in which agent-specific keybinds sometimes wouldn’t work properly even though the settings menu indicated they were applied. The problem should disappear once you have updated to the most recent Valorant version.
Many players discussed how different games running on the same Server could lead to totally different experiences in terms of network lag and jitter. This led to poor player experience and is now being fixed. It led to a less than ideal experience for players, and the issues are directly being addressed.