Skyrim player captures the wholesome broment among guards
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Skyrim player captures the wholesome broment among guards

Skyrim player captures the wholesome broment among guards

Skyrim player captures the wholesome bromance among guards

Living in Skyrim is generally pleasant, especially if there aren’t any adventurers.

These pesky protagonists spend much of their time in the wilderness with their Shadow of Mordor-esque nemeses. They also bonk lore-friendly Fallout’s deathclaws using Warhammer and try to master their revamped swordplay.

This allows wardens to share intimate moments without having to do much other than watch. One of these was captured by a Reddit player.

What do you think Skyrim’s small talk sounds like to you?

SirBeanie08 posted a picture of two Markarth guards sharing a moment in Skyrim.

A group of players gathered to guess what the pair were whispering to one another. User milbro0813 suggested that the conversation went like this:

(Guard1:) “Does it seem there’s more to life than enforcing laws and chasing adventurers? (Guard2:) You’ve been hitting the skooma, haven’t you?”


User Gorillaz canon also went philosophical, suggesting that guards might be asking themselves what purpose they have apart from protecting things. Accomplished fig91 thought that the conversation could be about whether or not there is a God.

User DeadByOtzStans suggested that their chat might have been more intimate, with tearful compliments and sometimes sarcastic glances between the bros.

A few users came up with names for the phenomenon. Tacitus_Kilgore85 declared that it was a Brorizon. Comprehensive_Cap290 called the encounter “Brokeback Markarth”, described as “When two bros share a horizon.”

You might think this when you see two guards having fun together. StinkyAegis’ Sexier Vanilla Guards (Plus Sexierrequiem-Guards) may be something you should consider adding to your modlist.

Some players couldn’t resist the urges they had cultivated over their years playing Skyrim and declared their desire to push the guards over their edge with unrelenting force shouts.

No matter how insensitive you might be to guards, we encourage you to follow us for updates on the Elder Scrolls 6 and the bizarre world of Skyrim mod.

Skyrim player captures the wholesome broment among guards
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