EA Recognizes Leaked Skate Building Circulating Around The Internet, Bans Leaker

EA Recognizes Leaked Skate Building Circulating Around The Internet, Bans Leaker

EA Recognizes Leaked Skate Building Circulating Around The Internet, Bans Leaker

EA Recognizes Leaked Skate Building Circulating Around The Internet, Bans Leaker

An incomplete Skate version circulated online last week. This was in preparation for the revival of the beloved skating series. Videos of the old build were uploaded . However, they were quickly DMCA’d online by publisher EA. But, there are still images of this clearly incomplete version to be found at Imgur. Developer Full Circle has now addressed the leak and made vague threats to violate EA’s terms-of-service in the process.


Full Circle posted on the EA Website. Full Circle stated that the leaked build was dated September 2021 and warned players about the dangers associated with downloading files unofficially sourced from the internet. It also warns players about the potential consequences of violating EA’s terms and service.

According to Reddit’s original thread, the leaker has had his EA account permanently suspended. This means that anyone downloading or sharing the unfinished build will be banned. This blog link to EA’s terms and service. Although there isn’t much information about the specifics of what the unfinished build falls within, it’s possible that the company considers this piracy. If the game can’t be purchased or sold, it would mean that access to all EA games will be revoked (see section 7). Games, section A. Technical and Content Protection Measures

EA Recognizes Leaked Skate Building Circulating Around The Internet, Bans Leaker
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