Call of Duty Warzone 2 Map Leaked
Call Of Duty: Warzone 2’s map was allegedly leaked from a trusted source within the Call Of Duty franchise. This sequel was first revealed earlier in the year.
Warzone 2 Map Revealed
Tom Henderson shows the entire map of Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 using an artist’s rendering. However, he stated in his article:
“For simplicity’s sake, I didn’t include all roads on the map. Instead, I focused on the most important features. The water is blue, densely built-up areas are in grey, high areas in dark brown, rail tracks in black and land in brown em>
Henderson says that the water in the map is because Warzone 2 will allow swimming and will make it larger than the previous Warzone maps.
Henderson reported previously that the game would have significant changes from Call Of Duty Warzone and be closer to Call Of Duty Blackout in nature than Warzone 1 The game will require you to complete objectives and manage your inventory, while you fight for survival.
To War (Zone)
Call Of Duty: Warzone 2 was revealed earlier this year as being in development alongside Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare II. This means that official details about the game will likely be released at the same time we receive details about WWII. Just this week, it was revealed that MWII would be released in October. Warzone 2 may launch with it. We’re sure to hear lots of leaks and news about the game, given that we have a busy presentation season.
There has not been any official information about the game, and most of it was leaked by Henderson.